Wednesday, November 29, 2023
11 AM
to 2 PM
University Center : 312
Whether you’re looking for practical experience or just a foot in the – science and technology – door, MilliporeSigma may be the perfect place to start. Join the Career Center as we showcase...
12 PM
to 1 PM
Professional Development Workshop
Join us for a virtual reflection session for students enrolled in the Fall 2023 Intern Success Practicum! Your attendance and participation will count as your "Professional Development Workshop."...
12 PM
to 1 PM
LinkedIn Workshop w/ Guest Speaker Peter Pham
Engineering : 333
We are holding a workshop on November 29th at 12 to 1pm in Engr 333! This is a networking event where you can spruce up your LinkedIn to make it more attractive to future employers and gets...
2:30 PM
to 3:30 PM
The importance of practicing self-care
The Commons : Women's Center 004
In this meeting we will discuss the importance of self-care, and make affirmations jars for participants to take home! This will be our last meeting of the semester. Please follow our myUMBC and...
4 PM
to 5:15 PM
Dr. Kowshik Thopalli, Lawrence Livermore National Lab
Engineering : 231
Speaker: Dr Kowshik Thopalli, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Title: Making Machine Learning Models Safer: Data and Model Perspectives Date: Wed, Nov 29, 4:00-5:15pm, ENGR 231...