Updated 7/6/21
Beginning July 6, the first two floors of the Library & Gallery will be open the following hours. Use will be primarily by appointment, with some walk-in services available.
Mon-Thu 8am-8pm
Fri 8am-5pm
Sun 1pm-8pm
Building access will be limited to UMBC users with a valid ID, using the card swipe. Per campus requirements, all users and staff will be required to wear masks while in the building, unless in private offices.
Services and spaces available without an appointment:
- Return books to the Atrium book drop or the Check Out desk
- Return laptops or equipment to the Check Out desk
- Use a 1st floor library printer
- Use the 1st floor overhead scanner
- Use the Retriever Learning Center (The RLC will be open the same hours as the building. RLC furniture has been removed and spaced.)
Services and spaces that require an appointment:
- Use a socially distanced computer on the 1st or 2nd floor (some accessible stations are available)
- Use a quiet study space on the 1st or 2nd floor with your own device
- Use an individual bring-your-own-device study room on the 2nd floor
- Use the Special Collections Reading Room
- Use a microfilm reader/scanner on the 2nd floor
Virtual and contactless services:
- Curbside (Atrium) pickup of library materials
- Use the virtual study room
- Meet with a subject librarian for a research appointment
- Ask a library or research questions through Ask a Librarian chat
More details on the plan for a more extensive reopening, slated for August 16, will be posted on myUMBC.