Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery
Update on Library Services for Spring 2021
Updated 1/12/2021
The Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery will provide virtual and contactless services for the Spring 2021 semester. The Library and Gallery building will remain closed to users to ensure the safety of our staff and community.
We will continue to offer the following services and resources for our users:
Virtual research appointments and “Ask a Librarian” chat service with our Subject Librarians and Archivists.
Virtual information literacy and library instruction sessions and research workshops. Please contact a Subject Librarian to discuss your instructional goals and options for how to reach them. Use the Instruction Request Form to schedule a session for your class, or request a Special Collections Instruction session.
A robust collection of electronic resources, including ebooks, databases, journals, research guides, and more, all available from your device. Get started with this guide.
Purchasing additional electronic books and streaming media. Contact your Subject Librarian or send a request directly to
Providing electronic Course Reserves, with scans of book chapters, journal articles, and archival materials from UMBC Library collections. Visit this page for information on how to submit your requests via Blackboard.
Scanning of book chapters, journal articles, and archival materials from UMBC library collections, as well as purchasing individual journal articles, all for electronic delivery. Submit your request via Interlibrary Loan. Chapter and article delivery from partner libraries may vary as conditions change.
Contactless checkout and return of books and media, including physical library materials from UMBC and, to as great an extent as possible, from our library partners in the University of Maryland System. Learn more about how to place a request or view a map of book return bin locations on campus.
Interlibrary borrowing for books and media from partners outside of USM will continue and/or resume as conditions permit.
Contactless checkout and return of digital media equipment, laptops, and accessories. Details available at the main curbside pickup page.
We’ve added a Virtual Study Room where you can work alongside fellow Retrievers for a focused study environment
For up to date information on our services and resources, consult the Library & Gallery website or our myUMBC page.