Email with any questions.
Section 4.2: Duties
• Senators must represent the concerns and opinions of their constituency, AND;
• Senators must report on the proceedings of Senate Meetings to their constituency, AND;
• Senators must attend all Senate Meetings, or send an alternate, in accordance with the Annual Points of Policy, AND;
• Senators must review the agenda for the Senate Meeting and all other relevant documents prior to the Senate Meeting.
• Senators must host at least three (3) Town Hall meetings per Academic Year.
• Senators must join and remain active on at least one university committee.
• Senators must report back the affiliated university committee meeting updates.
Senators who fulfill these responsibilities will be eligible to receive a stipend of $500 per semester.
For more information on the structure of the Graduate Senate and what it does, please visit the GSA webpage ( and familiarize yourself with our governing documents.