United: Celebrating the Month of Giving & Mercy
A Student Iftaar!
Wednesday, July 2, 2014 · 7:30 - 10 PM
Off Campus
Come celebrate the month of giving and mercy!
UMBC MSA, in collaboration with United Muslim Relief, Muslim Youth of MD, and UMCP, UB, and JHU MSAs invites all students and alumni to join us for Iftar on July 2nd (7:30pm-10pm).
We’re uniting to support UMR’s initiatives to develop low cost energy smart homes for Orphans and Widows living in extreme poverty in Tanzania.
There will be *no admission fee*. We encourage all of you to reach out to your family and friends and pledge to raise money and donate in whatever capacity you can -- and sincerely pray for our brothers and sisters in Tanzania.
If each person raises at least $40, 250 people can raise over $10,000!
The project proposed to build houses in Tanga and Pangani. The houses will meet highest local standards and 30 houses will improve the lives of about 120 Orphan children living in extreme poverty.
UMBC MSA, in collaboration with United Muslim Relief, Muslim Youth of MD, and UMCP, UB, and JHU MSAs invites all students and alumni to join us for Iftar on July 2nd (7:30pm-10pm).
Location: 7600 Clays Lane, Windsor Mills, MD, 21244
Please RSVP at http://www.eventbrite.com/e/united-celebrating-the-month-of-giving-and-mercy-tickets-12040943787 (limited seating available)
Further event details found here: https://www.facebook.com/events/659520360793732/?ref_newsfeed_story_type=regular
We’re uniting to support UMR’s initiatives to develop low cost energy smart homes for Orphans and Widows living in extreme poverty in Tanzania.
There will be *no admission fee*. We encourage all of you to reach out to your family and friends and pledge to raise money and donate in whatever capacity you can -- and sincerely pray for our brothers and sisters in Tanzania.
If each person raises at least $40, 250 people can raise over $10,000!
The project proposed to build houses in Tanga and Pangani. The houses will meet highest local standards and 30 houses will improve the lives of about 120 Orphan children living in extreme poverty.