Title IX Forum
Meet ECR and advocate for change related to Title IX!
Wednesday, April 3, 2024 · 4:30 - 6 PM
This event serves as an introduction of the Office of Equity and Civil Rights (ECR) to the student body. They oversee the office of Title IX. ECR will share their goals for the future about Title IX related concerns, and answer questions submitted via the google form attached to this post.
Please RSVP, limited seats are available, thus, reserved spaced will be prioritized over walk-up students. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
We will also be promoting resources that pertain to the issue of sexual violence and safety - things like the Women's Center's programs, Green Dot training, and other on and off-campus resources!
Your opinion matters. We want any and every student to have their voice heard and be a part of policies and decisions made on campus especially related to sexual violence and safety!
For more information regarding this event please reach out to womenscenter@umbc.edu or sga@umbc.edu.
This is a space where individuals are able to advocate for themselves or others for reform to our schools Title IX policies and services individuals need related to issues like this.
Some of the topics that will be discussed might be triggering for individuals so please take care of yourself and step out if needed, reach out to staff that will be present to assist folks in any way. For more resources please reach out to the Women's Center womenscenter@umbc.edu or 410-455-2714.