Workshop on Becoming a Professional Society Fellow
Wednesday, February 8, 2017 · 10 - 11:30 AM
Professional Societies in many academic disciplines honor their most accomplished scholars with designations such as "fellow." In addition to academic rank, designations such as becoming a fellow of a professional society serve as important milestones in a scholar's path. In this workshop, we will hear from seven fellows (or equivalent) who representative of the breadth of the university's disciplines. They will speak to other faculty on when and how they achieved this professional recognition, how their field organizes such honors, and what other faculty might consider if they want to reach the same milestone.
Panelists include:
Scott Casper | CAHSS |
Shari Waldstein | CAHSS |
Kevin Eckert | CAHSS |
Brian Cullum | CNMS |
Tim Finin | COEIT |
Curtis Menyuk | COEIT |