UMBC-Stanford Workshop on Clinical Trials+Regulatory Science
The 3rd UMBC–Stanford Workshop on Clinical Trials and Regulatory Science
Real World Evidence, Globalization, and Regulatory Science
Sept. 14-15, 2018(Short–course on Sept. 14, Conference on Sept. 15)
UMBC, (ITE Building,102 and 104,Lecture Hall)University of Maryland, Baltimore County1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250
The 3rd UMBC-Stanford Workshop features a one-day conference (Saturday) with keynote speakers Dr. Janet Woodcock of the US FDA, Dr. Yuki Ando of the Japan PMDA, and Dr. Michael Krams of Janssen Pharmaceuticals, followed by panel discussions and parallel presentation sessions on prominent issues in drug development and regulatory science including real world data and globalization in drug regulation. There will be also a half-day (Friday afternoon) pre-conference short course on “Innovations in group sequential designs and data monitoring” given by Dr. Keaven Anderson of Merck Research Laboratories. Coffee breaks and lunch are included in Saturday conference. Networking event is open for all registered participants at Saturday. Welcome to UMBC!
The UMBC-Stanford Workshop series aims to bring together regulators, academic researchers, and industry professionals to discuss prominent issues of common concerns, in clinical trials and to improve close collaborations to promote biomedical innovation in modern regulatory science.
Target audience:
Regulatory scientists, statisticians, health policy professionals, clinicians, biopharmaceutical product development professionals, and other associated researchers.
Organizing & Scientific Program committees:
Faculty from UMBC, Stanford University, UM-CERSI, and leaders from FDA and industry.
Online registration is required for everyone. Conference website:For keynote speakers and people from the sponsoring organizations (UMBC, Stanford University, FDA, and UM –CERSI), the registration fee and short course cost are waived.
- Regular registration for Sat. workshop: $199 (before or on Aug.31), $249 (after Aug. 1). Credit card payment is acceptable online, and check or cash payment is acceptable onsite.
- Government employees and local researchers from academia: $50 (before or on Aug. 31), $80 (after Aug. 31);
- Short course registration: $100;
- Students with valid ID: $25 for workshop, $25 for short course;
- Dual registration for workshop and short course: $249 (before or on Aug. 31), $299 (after Aug. 31)
For more Information:
Please contact Dr. Yi Huang, eMail: of Mathematics and Statistics,University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC),1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250.