SDS co-sponsors April opportunities to learn more & do more
Accessibility and Disability Services joins the Office of Equity and Inclusion as well as the Women's Center to raise awareness about sexual assault prevention, response and survivor support for...
April 15, 2020
6:18 PM
Celebrate UMBC students, staff and faculty with Autism
Autism Awareness Month kicks off with World Autism Awareness Day (link) to raise awareness that people around the world live, go to school and go to work with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum...
April 3, 2020
5:37 PM
Where to find answers, strategies, & contact info
Student Disability Services is operating remotely during the physical closure of the UMBC campus for the remainder of the Spring 2020 semester. Disability accommodations stay in effect during...
March 23, 2020
2:08 PM
Each year on December 3rd, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities promotes the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities. The day raises awareness of the political, economic,...
December 3, 2019
4:27 PM
Celebrate the diversity of disability
National Disability Awareness Month is a national campaign held in October that raises awareness about issues for people with disabilities, and celebrates the many and varied contributions of...
October 6, 2019
5:51 PM
Webinar 9/16/19: Using Ally in Blackboard
WEBINAR IS ONLINE, SEPTEMBER 16, NOON TO 1 PM Learn to make your course materials accessible in Blackboard. During the SP2019 semester, Ally was deployed to courses using Ultra. Ally is...
August 8, 2019
1:53 PM
July 26th is the 29th Anniversary of the ADA!
29 years ago, Congress passed the Americans with Disabilities Act, making our nation, institutions and businesses more accessible for all.
July 23, 2019
2:57 PM
Break the Silence, End the Stigma The Office of Accessibility and Disability Services is celebrating May as Mental Health Awareness Month. Established in 1949, this celebration raises awareness...
May 13, 2019
2:55 PM
April 2 is International Autism Awareness Day
The Office of Accessibility and Disability Services wishes everyone a happy Autism Awareness Day! The United Nations as well as many other groups, organizations and families are celebrating...
April 2, 2019
11:16 AM
The Office of Student Disability Services would like to remind you of our Assistive Technology Open House today noon-2pm. Come out and learn and try some cool tech.
February 14, 2019
12:56 PM