Join us for a celebration of service! The Department of Human Resources cordially invites you to this year’s 2021 Virtual Annual Service Awards Ceremony. To ensure safety and comfort, we are again coming together virtually this year to connect, shout out, and support our colleagues in a celebration of their important milestones at UMBC and The State of Maryland.
We have planned a fun, exciting, and engaging experience just as last year. We will still include the same heart-warming stories, recipient and special awardee acknowledgments, and prizes that you’ve come to expect, and NEW this year will be a fun, interactive trivia game, Kahoot, as well as some special leadership messages! For more information check out our HR Service Awards Website!
IMPORTANT: This year requires registration by 12 NOON on November 30th in order to attend and be eligible for the raffle prizes! We look forward to seeing you on December 1st!