Today's talk is How to turn moments into momentum by Renee Montgomery. Inspired by the rising movement against racism in the US, WNBA champion Renee Montgomery made an unexpected decision: she opted out of her dream job. As she says in this stirring talk, she wanted to "make it felt," and that meant turning her attention from the court to the community. But you don't have to be a basketball star to make it felt; anyone can turn important moments into meaningful momentum. How will you?
- What resonated for you in the video?
- What lived experiences do you have, either personally or professionally that align with the core message of the talk?
- As you think of your role as a student, employee, or manager what feels relevant and useful to remember?
- What are you taking away that feels meaningful - either a new perspective, a potential action, etc.
- How might we take better care of ourselves and each other during this time?