Exploring Career Pathways in Economics and Related Fields
The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and The Sadie Collective invite you to participate in our upcoming virtual program Exploring Career Pathways in Economics and Related Fields, to be held on:
This event is designed to provide Black college students with an opportunity to learn more about career pathways in economics and related fields. The program includes interactive conversations with economists and research assistants, a skills-based workshop on programming and data analysis for research, and an interactive virtual career fair with top financial services firms. This two-day program will conclude with a conversation between Chicago Fed's director of research, Anna Paulson, and The Sadie Collective's CEO and co-founder, Anna Gifty Opoku-Agyeman.
We encourage you to reserve your seat as spots are limited.
Register online at: https://web.cvent.com/event/f3440736-3476-4312-b9e9-3a9dfb336618/summary
This is an external event not affiliated with the Career Center nor UMBC.