Webinar: Using Software in Social Science Research
offered by SAGE Campus
Thursday, December 5, 2019 · 10 - 11 AM
Dr. Daniela Duca, Product Manager for SAGE Ocean, discusses findings from a year of exploring the different software and technologies used by social science researchers for a variety of purposes, like surveying, text annotation, online experiments, transcription, text mining, and tools for social media research.
We will look at who is developing these tools, who supports or funds them, the challenges they are currently facing and other findings from our white paper. Whether you are a researcher, a research technologist or developing your own software, join the free webinar to hear about the trends from more than 400 tools in this space.
About Daniela
Daniela Duca works on new products within SAGE Ocean, exploring software for social sciences and collaborating with startups to help them bring their tools to market. She is also a visual artist, with experience in financial technology and has a PhD in innovation management.
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