UMBC Game Developers Club
Student Organization • 325 people
Files / 2011-2012 Meeting Minutes

GDC Exec Meeting 3-26-12

Events coordinator meeting about DEC

Isaac- DEC promotions, like to start printing in April so it's up most of the month- have stuff ready by Friday

Poster for URCAD- there's a session you have to attend April 2nd, Biol 004 from 12-12:50

Wednesday Agenda:

Reminder for all groups to give things for the poster to Isaac by THIS FRIDAY

Officer Elections- May 2nd, nominations April 11 and 18

Sat- DEC April 28
Wed- URCADĀ  April 25th (NO MEETING)

General discussion- is it ok for a game company to change the ending of their game to pander to fans?