Full Title: “Adventures of Dissertation Writing” — a Dissertation House Alum’s Blog One of our Dissertation House (DH) students started her own blog. Margaret is a Chemistry student at UMBC and...
July 14, 2011
8:12 PM
Full Title: “Good Morning Dissertation House!” — A TV styled interview exercise This morning, Dr. Carter led a session called, “Good Morning Dissertation House!” This “Good Morning America” styled...
July 8, 2011
10:43 AM
Full Title: “Good Morning Dissertation House!” — A TV styled interview exercise This morning, Dr. Carter led a session called, “Good Morning Dissertation House!” This “Good Morning America” styled...
July 8, 2011
10:43 AM
Repost from:, July 8, 2011 ———————————————————————————– Dear Summer Program Directors and Future Graduate Students: We would like to invite you and your summer...
July 8, 2011
8:23 AM
Full Title: Counseling, Laughter, and Ice Cream: Summer in the Dissertation House Dr. Carter opened yesterday’s Summer Dissertation House at UMBC with a discussion on how to improve your working...
July 7, 2011
6:28 PM
Full Title: Counseling, Laughter, and Ice Cream: Summer in the Dissertation House Dr. Carter opened yesterday’s Summer Dissertation House at UMBC with a discussion on how to improve your working...
July 7, 2011
6:28 PM
This morning, we launched the first round of the Summer Dissertation House on UMBC’s campus. The day included introductions and goal-setting. Dr. Janet Rutledge, Dean of the Graduate School...
July 5, 2011
4:47 PM
Full Title: UMBC Provost Elliot Hirshman (PROMISE PI) will be the new president at San Diego State UniversityPROMISE: Maryland’s AGEP expresses hearty congratulations to UMBC Provost Elliot...
June 15, 2011
11:20 PM
The Dissertation House is comprised of a series of workshops, meetings, and seminars that are held on college campuses and at conferences to facilitate successful completion of the doctoral...
June 11, 2011
12:43 PM
Full Title: The Dissertation House’s Summer Online Challenge has been posted! Greetings to all graduate students who are working on dissertations. Dr. Carter has posted the Summer 2011 Challenge! ...
May 25, 2011
12:07 PM