Full Title: PROMISE Fall Harvest Dinner – November 18, 2011 at College Park Dear Students, Alumni, and Friends of PROMISE, Our annual PROMISE Fall Harvest Dinner is coming soon! Save the date:...
November 4, 2011
2:54 AM
Full Title: PROMISE Fall Harvest Dinner – November 18, 2011 at College Park Dear Students, Alumni, and Friends of PROMISE, Our annual PROMISE Fall Harvest Dinner is coming soon! Save the date:...
November 4, 2011
2:54 AM
Several graduate students have expressed a need for assistance with MATLAB. In order to assist you with understanding some of the more advanced concepts of MATLAB, PROMISE, the Graduate Student...
November 3, 2011
7:23 PM
Several graduate students have expressed a need for assistance with MATLAB. In order to assist you with understanding some of the more advanced concepts of MATLAB, PROMISE, the Graduate Student...
November 3, 2011
7:23 PM
Over the next few weeks, UMBC will host two organizations that are looking to fill postdoctoral positions in the Biomedical Sciences. Gladstone Institutes, affiliated with the University of...
October 24, 2011
6:22 PM
We are increasing our professional development offerings so that we can assist with preparing you for careers both within and outside of academe. As part of our “PROF-it: Professors-in-Training”...
October 11, 2011
3:30 PM
Each year, PROMISE and the Graduate School host a dinner seminar that allows graduate students to ask questions of faculty. This year, our annual “When Faculty Say ‘X’, They Really Mean ‘Y’”...
October 3, 2011
10:26 AM
Grad students, faculty, and staff invited to join
Announcement: Establishment of a new professional chapter on campus, Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES). Biomedical engineering is an unique field in that it is extremely multidisciplinary...
September 29, 2011
10:22 PM
Full Title: 25+ PROMISE students/affiliates attend SREB’s Conference in Atlanta We are pleased to announce that more than 25 of our PROMISE students and affiliates will be attending the...
September 28, 2011
6:23 PM
The employees are hard at work in Dissertation House @ UMBC on September 23-24, 2011. Employee DH Employees at work in the DH Yvette Mozie-Ross, Assistant Provost for Enrollment...
September 23, 2011
11:17 AM