Are you looking for a job this Spring? Come work for us!
The DoIT Technology Support Center is looking to hire additional consultants to work during the Spring semester. Please see our job description below and visit our job posting on UMBCWorks to...
January 7, 2015
2:06 PM
On January 5, WEAA’s The Marc Steiner Show aired a radio series produced by UMBC humanities scholars which examined the people, places, and social movements which have contributed to the history...
January 7, 2015
2:03 PM
Google has a feature that might come in handy for folks to do. Go to to do a "Security check up". Here you can see what applications and devices are connected to...
January 7, 2015
1:32 PM
Earn academic credit working in a law office.
Two or Three Openings Still Available for Spring Legal Internships The legal internship program combines academic study with practical work experience with judges and attorneys. Work 15...
January 7, 2015
12:32 PM
We’re excited to share our very first alumni post! The reflection below was written by Cassandra Morales (UMBC Class of 2013) who worked in the Women’s Center from 2012-2013. Binge-watching...
January 7, 2015
11:23 AM
Undergraduate researchers explore their interests!
Meet Victoria, She is a Chemical Engineering major, a Biology minor and is also a URA Scholar. She is the treasurer for the American Institute of Chemical Engineers and a member of Hooplah. This...
January 7, 2015
10:46 AM
Winter Courses Remain Online & Available
UPDATE: The Fall 2014 course site is back online after less than 2 hours of maintenance. The legacy UMBC Blackboard site, which currently hosts Fall 2014 courses until they are migrated to our...
January 7, 2015
10:20 AM
Robert Deluty, associate dean of the graduate school, has published a new volume of poetry. In his review, Richard Berlin writes: “In ‘Being Wakeful,’ Robert Deluty works his magic again, opening...
January 6, 2015
8:00 PM
Creative Alliance seeks a teacher to Co-Instructor for an after school art-based program entitled, Open Minds Art Club. Open Minds Art Club takes place on February 2- April 8, Mondays &...
January 6, 2015
4:40 PM
The Creative Alliance, a community-based art center, seeks to fill a part-time position of bookkeeper. Located at The Patterson, a former 1930s movie theater, the Creative Alliance is among the...
January 6, 2015
4:37 PM