Thursday, July 25, 2019
12 PM
to 1 PM
Vinyasa Yoga with Erica
Retriever Activities Center (RAC) : Fitness Studio
A dynamic, flowing yoga practice that cultivates mindfulness through the connection of movement and breath.
4:30 PM
to 5 PM
TRX Core with Yvonne
Retriever Activities Center (RAC) : Fitness Studio
This class uses the TRX suspension trainer to sculpt that six pack and strengthen your core using static planks and dynamic movements that boost your functional strength, challenge your core, and...
5 PM
to 6 PM
TRX with Yvonne
Retriever Activities Center (RAC) : Fitness Studio
Get a full body workout while you learn the different exercises on the TRX. You'll get both functional strength training and cardio in this workout. Great if you've never done TRX before or if you...
6 PM
to 7 PM
Kickboxing with Yvonne
Retriever Activities Center (RAC) : Fitness Studio
This class combines martial art inspired moves and athletic conditioning moves to sculpt, tone, and challenge your body head to toe.