An hour of your time supports student success!
On April 1st, the Career Center will host our annual UMBC Suits Professional Clothing Closet event, providing students with one complete professional outfit—a powerful step in their career journey...
Nominate yourself or a colleague to serve as a senator
Applications for the Non-Exempt Staff Senate (NESS) are now being solicited. Meet folks from across campus and make a difference at UMBC for yourself and your colleagues. It's a 2-year term...
Friday, October 25, 2024, 11 AM - 1 PM outside Admin
As it is getting cold outside, please come next Friday, Oct 25th to drop-off winter clothes to donate to UMBC community members and students who need them. We especially need gloves, men's coats,...
Join us for our monthly NESS meeting
The next NESS meeting will take place tomorrow at 11:30 am in person in Sherman Hall 461 OR via webex link posted in the attached agenda. Tiffany Tucker, our new Athletic Director will be our...
PDF Document · 54.2 KB
These are the meeting minutes from our last meeting
Donate professional clothing for students!
2024 UMBC Suits You: Professional Clothing Drive Donate professional clothing for students! The Career Center is collecting new and gently used professional clothing for "UMBC Suits You" as part...
11:30 AM
The agenda for tomorrow's NESS meeting is listed below. It is a light agenda and will be my last meeting as Helena transitions to NESS President. Agenda Topics: Review of Welcome to UMBC...
Good afternoon, I am writing to let you know that I have accepted a new position as the business manager for the Administrative Shared Services Center, effective February 12. This position is...
12:00 PM
Engineering : 125
Please join us for our monthly NESS meeting Wednesday 1/10/24 from noon to 1pm. The meeting will be held in a hybrid setting and can be attended in person in Engineering 125 or via the webex link...
1 Going
Good Morning, Just a reminder, our NESS monthly meeting is tomorrow, 12/13 11:30am - 12:30pm. The meeting is a hybrid meeting, the webex link is listed below. If you are able to attend in...
Please consider joining us tomorrow for the monthly NESS meeting. The meeting will be hybrid. You can come in person to Admin 416 or log into webex. Our guest for tomorrow needed to cancel. ...
Good Afternoon NESS, During our last meeting we discussed questions that Dr. Sheares Ashby posed to each of our Senates regarding the Strategic Plan. We would greatly appreciate as much...
11:30 AM
Sherman Hall : 461
Join us for our monthly NESS Meeting. We will be having a hybrid meeting. If you would like to attend in person, we will be in Sherman Hall 461 or virtually you can log into: Join...
Hello, Thank you to everyone that was able to attend our meeting today either in person or virtually. I am following up to share information from our meeting. 1. Check out the link...
Attached is the meeting agenda for our meeting tomorrow 9/13/23. Our meeting will be a hybrid meeting. You are welcome to join in person in Engineering 125a or online via the below webex link....
11:30 AM
Engineering : 125a
Join us for the first NESS Meeting of the 2023 -2024 academic year. We will be having a hybrid meeting. If you would like to attend in person, we will be in Engineering 125a or virtually you...
4 Going
Good Morning Ness, Below is a link for the 2023-2025 NESS Senator Elections. Results will be discussed at our 5/16 meeting. If anyone is not currently a senator but would like to be one...
Good Morning NESS Members, Happy Monday, I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed the weather. We are rescheduling our normal Monthly meeting from tomorrow to next Tuesday,...
10:00 AM
Come join us for our monthly NESS meeting.
Meeting agendas will be added prior to the scheduled
meeting. Join Webex meeting ID: 26239949926 Password: 3t9UCX9aB4J
Good Morning NESS, Attached is our meeting agenda for April. It will be a great meeting. Lynne Adams, Chief Human Resources Officer and additional HR staff will be attending to answer and...
The UMBC Office of Sustainability is hosting a free workshop for faculty/staff who are interested in Eco/Climate Anxiety. It's open to any faculty or staff and is geared towards anyone interested...
Good Morning NESS, Happy Monday, I hope everyone is adjusting to the time change! Attached is the agenda for our meeting tomorrow. We will not have a guest but have a few items that we...
Stop by for a cup of joe with PSS and NESS!
8:00 AM
Off Campus : OCA Mocha Community Room
All UMBC Staff are invited to a meet & greet at OCA Mocha Thursday, January 19 8-10am. Meet your NESS and PSS senators, chat with colleagues, and network with other departments. Get yourself a...
1 Going
Happy Monday! I have attached the agenda for our meeting tomorrow at 10am via Webex. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Helena and I look forward to seeing...
Good Afternoon, Just a reminder, our monthly NESS meeting tomorrow will be a hybrid meeting, you can attend via webex or in person in Admin 711. Join Webex meeting ID: 26239215301...
Join UMBC staff and faculty on Thursday, October 13 from 4 - 6 p.m. for a Homecoming celebration! This is the only staff and faculty exclusive homecoming event! Come socialize with some...
The Office of Workplace Learning, OD & Wellness is inviting members of the UMBC community to participate in a focus group on Thursday October 13. The intention is to create a training program...
March 27, 2025
Retirement & Financial live webinars: Register TODAY!Click here to Register for the live webinars Maryland Supplemental Retirement Plans (MSRP) is excited to present live webinars on topics such as: Budgeting, Credit, State Pension,...
APR23Journal10:00 AM · OnlineThis training is for users of PeopleSoft Finance 9.2 Journal Entry. The training will review the mechanics of journal entry, reviewing, journal errors, submitting for approval, Journal...2 Going · 0 comments
March 26, 2025
APR23In partnership with the Retriever Activities Center12:00 AM · Retriever Activities Center (RAC)See the attached flyer for more information.
APR22In Partnership w/ Office of Sustainability11:00 AM · The CommonsJoin the Office of Sustainability Earth Day Fair! Date: April 22, 2025 Location: Commons Quad Time: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Check back for more information.0 comments
APR2511:00 AM · OnlineJoin Business Services for an informative session where they will present the findings from data collected last fall, focusing on the wants and needs of an improved travel system. They will share...64 Going
March 25, 2025
PDF Document · 111.3 KBMeeting minutes from our last NESS meeting on March 12, 2025
Financial know-how starts here.These financial webinars are open to all Faculty and Staff, regardless of your retirement plan or vendor. TIAA is excited to announce their upcoming live webinars for the month of April 2025....
Spring 2025 Learning & Development Needs AssessmentWe’re excited to invite you to participate in our annual Talent Learning & Development Needs Assessment Survey, open now through April 24, 2025. Your input helps shape meaningful professional...
JUN6Sharing Results from Spring Needs Assessments9:30 AM · OnlineJoin us for a virtual session where we’ll share key themes and insights from the Spring 2025 Talent Learning & Development Needs Assessment Survey and spring focus groups. Whether you...18 Going
March 24, 2025
An hour of your time supports student success!On April 1st, the Career Center will host our annual UMBC Suits Professional Clothing Closet event, providing students with one complete professional outfit—a powerful step in their career journey...
APR22:00 PM · OnlineRecent data indicate that 1 in 8 companies are scaling back or eliminating their DEI programs in 2025, with 49% citing changes in the political climate and 36% pointing to a lack of measurable...0 comments
APR82:00 PM · OnlineThis event initially aired on September 28, 2022. We are rebroadcasting it based on customer requests. A recent Bersin by Deloitte report stated that 80% of CEOs believe upskilling is their...0 comments
Word Document · 19 KB
March 13, 2025
APR9Inventory - Property Custodians10:00 AM · OnlineThis training is intended for new Property Custodians or any UMBC Property Custodians and support staff that require a refresher on maintaining the departments inventory. The training will...10 Going · 0 comments
March 7, 2025
Nominate yourself or a colleague to serve as a senatorApplications for the Non-Exempt Staff Senate (NESS) are now being solicited. Meet folks from across campus and make a difference at UMBC for yourself and your colleagues. It's a 2-year term...
March 6, 2025
National Nutrition MonthThe State Wellness Program's aim is to motivate, inspire, and educate employees through monthly wellness webinars (live and on-demand), healthy challenges, guided meditations, wellness coaching,...