Wednesday, June 5, 2013
All Day
Volunteer at Camp Fire Patuxent this summer! ·
Off Campus
All Day
Community Lunch Schedule ·
On Campus
8:30 AM
to 12:30 PM
Leadership Workshop for Faculty and Staff
University Center : 312
Effective leadership is any organization’s most critical competitive advantage. Knowing “how” to be effective and “being effective” are sometimes two very different things. As Steven Covey says;...
10 AM
thru Jun 6
An opportunity for all disciplines to infuse sustainability
On Campus
Sustainability Across the Disciplines Faculty Curriculum Workshop Wednesday, June 5th and Thursday, June 6th, 2013 Curriculum development workshop for faculty wishing to integrate topics of...
12 PM
to 1 PM
A primer of ethics and responsible conduct of research
bwtech@UMBC North : 5523 Suite 310
The Office for Research Protections and Compliance offers a historical background and brief overview of ethical considerations and the regulations related to the use of animals research. UMBC's...
12 PM
to 2 PM
Eat. Drink. Be Merry.
Harbor Hall
Come join your fellow UMBC staff members that the PSS Annual Staff Picnic on Wednesday June 5th at the Harbor Hall Courtyard. Tickets go on sale on May 17th for $6.00. Please see the attached...
12 PM
to 1 PM
Get fit this summer at the RAC!
Retriever Activities Center (RAC) : Arena track
Join us this summer for Fitness Basics. Combine moderate intensity walking with basic strengthening and stretching exercise for a low impact, mid day workout. Class meet EVERY Monday, Tuesday,...
4:30 PM
to 5:30 PM
4:30 in the RAC Fitness Studio
Retriever Activities Center (RAC) : Fitness Studio
Athletic interval training using techniques borrowed from boxing and kickboxing. An intense workout guaranteed to make you sweat! Sign up for EACH class online, classes are free to the UMBC...
5:30 PM
to 6:30 PM
5:30 in the RAC Fitness Studio
Retriever Activities Center (RAC) : Fitness Studio
Fluid movements link together to build strong and flexible muscles, emphasizing core stability and strength.