Friday, November 20, 2015
12 PM
to 1 PM
Retriever Activities Center (RAC) : Fitness Studio
This semester, we are giving you the opportunity to catch your evening instructors in the daylight! Each evening class instructor will teach ONE Daytime Special. November 20, Cardio Kickboxing...
12 PM
to 1 PM
wtih Joshua
Retriever Activities Center (RAC) : Indoor Track
Moderate intensity walking basic strength building activities for a low-impact, individually designed mid-day workout
1 PM
to 2 PM
Weekly Meditation Hour for Faculty, Staff, and Students
The Commons : 004
Peace@UMBC is a weekly meditation hour open to faculty, students, and staff who want to cultivate greater peace in their lives and relationships through the development of a meditation practice....
4:30 PM
to 5:30 PM
with Abril
Retriever Activities Center (RAC) : Fitness Studio
Low-impact, total body mat workout that focuses on core strength.
5:30 PM
to 7 PM
with Abril
Retriever Activities Center (RAC) : Fitness Studio
Will encompass asana, pranayama and meditation. These three elements integrated will strengthen and lengthen the body, balance the mind and give an overall sense of contentement.