Monday, November 9, 2015
7:05 AM
to 7:55 AM
Retriever Activities Center (RAC) : Fitness Studio
Energy restoring course designed to increase strength, flexibility, and mind body awareness through poses.
12 PM
to 1 PM
with Joshua
Retriever Activities Center (RAC) : Indoor Track
Moderate intensity walking and basic strength building activities for a low-impact, individually designed, mid-day workout.
12 PM
to 1 PM
Retriever Activities Center (RAC) : Fitness Studio
Easy to follow, non-stop cardio dance course set to Latin and World music
4:30 PM
to 5 PM
Retriever Activities Center (RAC) : Fitness Studio
Abdominal, back and core training to strengthen and tone your entire midsection
5 PM
to 6 PM
with Jenn
Retriever Activities Center (RAC) : Fitness Studio
Easy to follow, non-stop cardio dance course set to Latin and World music
6 PM
to 7 PM
with Lori
Retriever Activities Center (RAC) : Fitness Studio
Energy restoring course designed to increase strength, flexibility and mind body awareness through poses