Tuesday, January 27, 2015
All Day
Welcome Back! ·
The Commons : Bookstore
7:05 AM
to 8 AM
Group Fitness @ the RAC
Retriever Activities Center (RAC) : Fitness Studio
The perfect course to relieve stress and restore personal energy. Increase your strength, flexibility and mind body awareness by breathing through poses. Experience Hatha Yoga with Chelsea every...
8:30 AM
to 10 AM
FREE breakfast with commuter gold card
The Commons : Main Street
Swing by The Commons Main Street every Tuesday morning, from 8:30am to 10:00am, for breakfast. It's complimentary with your Commuter Gold Card. Here you can meet new people, express commuter...
9 AM
to 6:30 PM
Sell your books back for cash!
The Commons : Bookstore
Sell your books back for CASH! We pay up to 50%, no matter where you purchases your books! Monday, January 26th, 9am to 6:30pm Tuesday, January 27th, 9am to...
10 AM
to 5 PM
Photographs by William Earle Williams
Library and Gallery, Albin O. Kuhn : Library Gallery
January 26 – March 25 A Stirring Song Sung Heroic: African Americans from Slavery to Freedom, 1619 to 1865, Photographs by William Earle Williams Albin O. Kuhn Library Gallery The history of...
10 AM
to 12 PM
Training for New Cardholders and their P-Card Supervisors
Administration : 929
This two hour training is required by the Purchasing Card Program Policy for new cardholders and their P-card supervisors. Training will cover the Policies and Procedures in the UMBC Purchasing...
11 AM
to 3 PM
with Sarah Rose Attman
bwtech@UMBC North : Main Conference Room
This class covers the basics of PR. What is “public relations”? What is “the media”? How does an idea turn into a printed article on the front page of the New York Times Business section?...
11:30 AM
to 12:30 PM
Group Fitness @ the RAC
Retriever Activities Center (RAC) : Fitness Studio
The perfect course to relieve stress and restore personal energy. Increase your strength, flexibility and mind body awareness by breathing through poses. Experience an extended Hatha Yoga class...
12 PM
to 12:50 PM
FITT Training
Engineering : 025
In this session, participants will be given a basic overview of Blackboard. Topics covered will include creating announcements, adding your syllabus and other course documents, and how to change...
12 PM
to 1 PM
Group Fitness @ the RAC
Retriever Activities Center (RAC) : Indoor Track
Combine moderate intensity walking with basic
strength building activities for a low impact, mid-day
1 PM
to 1:50 PM
FITT Training
Engineering : 025
During the winter term, UMBC transitioned into a hosted Bb environment. With this transition, instructors now have access to a variety of new tools and features, including achievements, anonymous...
3:45 PM
to 5 PM
Host: Dr. Richard Karpel
Meyerhoff Chemistry : Chem 120
"What do Protein Aggregation and Darwinian Evolution have in Common?"
4 PM
thru Jan 28
Space closed to allow for Involvement Space Prep
On Campus
In preparation for Involvement Fest, the Student Org Space will be unavailable from 4 PM today until 4 PM tomorrow, to allow for set up of tables, chairs, and signs. We apologize for the...
4:30 PM
to 5 PM
Group Fitness @ the RAC
Retriever Activities Center (RAC) : Fitness Studio
Abdominal, back, and core training to strengthen
and tone your entire midsection.
5 PM
to 6 PM
Group Fitness @ the RAC
Retriever Activities Center (RAC) : Fitness Studio
Strength training, cardio and music with a step! This
class will tone your legs and strengthen your heart.
6 PM
to 7 PM
Group Fitness @ the RAC
Retriever Activities Center (RAC) : Fitness Studio
The perfect course to relieve stress and restore personal energy. Increase your strength, flexibility and mind body awareness by breathing through poses. Experience Hatha Yoga with Kim every...